
Showing posts from November, 2003
Sleepless Night Again the work continued the whole night. This is some info on Extended SP's Insight to Extended Stored Procedures For a long time i was thinking about this Extended Stored Procedures that we have SQL SERVER. Here i am going to explain the usage of few of the Extended Stored Procedures.Before i begin with the explaination of few the Extended Sps, Let me define what is a Extended Stored Procedures. An Extended Stored Procedure is one which has its functionality logic in a Dynamic Link Library and these functions can be called for the TSQL as normal procedures. Lets begin with the usage of few of the Extended Stored Procedures. 1.xp_fixeddrives This will give us the drives in your machine. exec master..xp_fixeddrives 2.xp_dirtree This one will return the directory structure of the path provided. EXEC xp_dirtree 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL SERVER\' 3.xp_fileexist This will give whether the file exists or not. EXEC xp_fi...
Long Night It was a long night at office. Working towards a release.............. Had some Database problem.. It was giving an error "user or role exists in the current database" Finally it was sorted out. A Hard day out and i am really tired..