Sleepless Night
Again the work continued the whole night.
This is some info on Extended SP's
Insight to Extended Stored Procedures
For a long time i was thinking about this Extended Stored Procedures that we have SQL SERVER. Here i am going to explain the usage of few of the Extended Stored Procedures.Before i begin with the explaination of few the Extended Sps, Let me define what is a Extended Stored Procedures.
An Extended Stored Procedure is one which has its functionality logic in a Dynamic Link Library and these functions can be called for the TSQL as normal procedures.
Lets begin with the usage of few of the Extended Stored Procedures.
This will give us the drives in your machine.
exec master..xp_fixeddrives
This one will return the directory structure of the path provided.
EXEC xp_dirtree 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL SERVER\'
This will give whether the file exists or not.
EXEC xp_fi...
Showing posts from November, 2003