
Showing posts from May, 2009

Avoid click of a button twice

This is a very common requirement that the user should not click on the button twice while submitting. The best option to use the below code on the page load PostBackOptions pbOptions = new PostBackOptions(btnSave); btnSave.OnClientClick = "this.disabled = true;'wait';"; btnSave.OnClientClick += Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(pbOptions); If you are using a Image button, instead of this use the document.getElementById('ctl00_btnSave') Hope this helps.. Cheers!!!

Worldwide Browser Market Share

Check out the worldwide browser market share... IE and firefox still rules.... Cheers!!!

Win 7 RC available for download

Win 7 RC available for download at Cheers!!!

Back to Blogging

I was away from blogging for sometime was having some hectic schedules. Hopefully i will better my frequency of blogging. Cheers!!!