
Showing posts from January, 2013

2012 - > 2013 : Happy New Year

Looking back at the year that has gone past, it has a lot of memories. I thank god for the year that has gone by and what he has done in my life.  On professional front, it was a good year with new challenges and new opportunities. There was travel involved as well. Learned new things on technology and management perspective. I was privileged to attend some of the high end management workshops which is great for my career progression.  On personal front, i had the home project of giving a new look to my house. Had got the house repainted and replaced the front gates. Also growing on the spiritual side as well, learning to know god more and more.  Now the new year 2013 is in, I hope this year will be great. I attended the watch night New Year service yesterday at Palace Grounds, it was an amazing service. The promise for this year is "Supernatural Breakthrough - Habakkuk 3: 17 - 19"  "17 Although the fig tree shall not bloss...